Suse updates its OpenStack cloud build with easier deployment and Hyper-V integration

September 25, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from Author: Daniel Robinson.

Linux developer Suse has released a new build of its cloud computing platform based on the OpenStack framework, adding new capabilities to make deployment easier. It is also the first OpenStack distribution to add full support for Microsoft’s Hyper-V, the firm claimed.

Available now, Suse Cloud 2.0 is an updated version of the firm’s enterprise-ready OpenStack distribution for building private infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud computing environments. Among the chief enhancements is a more robust installation process. This has been delivered through integration with the open source Crowbar project for bare-metal deployment. Used in conjunction with a set of Chef recipes, predefined scripts, and autoYAST, this can be used to rapidly provision and configure a complete private cloud, according to Suse…

Suse Cloud 2.0 also has better support for mixed hypervisor cloud environments, adding support for the Hyper-V hypervisor thanks to a collaboration with Microsoft, Dell, and cloud specialist Cloudbase Solutions, Suse said. With VMware ESXi integration also included as a technical preview, Suse Cloud 2.0 can be deployed atop KVM, Xen, Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware environments, the firm claimed…

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