Strategy rules when stepping into the cloud

December 3, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from WhaTech. Author: Ed Rooney.

With all the talk about cloud computing, many businesses leaders are left wondering which approach is best to ensure moving to the cloud results in a successful outcome. Like anything that involves change, a prudent strategy from the outset will reduce the risk and this is no different for cloud adoption.

There is no shortage of promises made by cloud providers. Benefits like agility, speed to market and cost reduction are common talking points during cloud presentations. With the benefits of the cloud model well defined, the biggest challenge for many organisations is how to change from delivering on-premise IT to a cloud alternative…

Before any migration starts, cloud options must be researched and a realistic business case and project plan must be developed. To make matters more complex this pre-work should be done for different types of workloads and the many and varied cloud options – from infrastructure as a service to software as a service. And, of course, the data itself will have different security requirements. Some data can’t be moved offshore, while other data is meant to be made public…

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