Staying Secure in the Cloud-Adoption Aftermath

August 5, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TechNewsWorld. Author: Ed Moyle.

By now, most organizations have adopted cloud. Increased and widespread adoption as well as expansion of existing deployments are reflected in surveys such as the 2013 Future of Cloud Computing Survey from North Bridge Venture Partners and GigaOm. This suggests that if you’re a technology pro and your organization is like most, you’ve already spent considerable time addressing how to field cloud in a secure way.

As critical as it is to ensure initial secure cloud adoption, it’s important that organizations understand it’s a first step along a longer path. After the push to deploy securely has come and gone, there will still be longer-term activities that remain to ensure that a system stays secure. It’s with this longer "stretch" of maintenance and support that many organizations struggle…

Why the struggle? It’s not hard to understand when viewed in light of business dynamics, which make the short-term adoption push easier than long-term operation vigilance. Consider a typical adoption: It’s easy to prioritize the adoption when business partners are pushing hard to bring the service in and budget requests for due diligence are in the context of projected cost savings overall…

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