Sonian Announces Support for OpenStack Cloud Environments

October 5, 2011 Off By David
Grazed from MarketWatch.  Author: PR Announcement.

Sonian(TM), the pioneer in cloud-powered archiving and search, announces our continued support for OpenStack(TM) cloud environments. Founded by Rackspace Hosting and NASA, OpenStack is a global software community of developers collaborating on a standard and flexible open source cloud operating system for both public and private clouds…

Sonian’s industry leading information archiving and analytics software stack has been successfully deployed on cloud computing environments based on the OpenStack reference architecture.

OpenStack is an innovative open source project supported by over 110 commercial organizations. OpenStack allows entities with a large number of hardware assets to create a standards-based cloud implementation. OpenStack is a suite of cloud "building blocks" for creating and operating a reliable cloud computing platform at scale and with operational efficiency.

Sonian software now supports these core OpenStack projects:

        —  OPENSTACK COMPUTE – A system for managing automated virtual compute
            instances at scale.
        —  OPENSTACK OBJECT STORAGE – A system for storing static data at scale,
            fully replicated and in redundant infrastructure.
        —  OPENSTACK IMAGE SERVICE – Sonian will support this virtual disk
            service in the near future.

"Involvement and support from key providers like Sonian is critical to create a robust ecosystem of tools that help enterprises run OpenStack," said Mark Collier, VP, Rackspace Cloud Builders. "Participation from companies like Sonian will help drive enterprise adoption of our OpenStack."

"Sonian is, and has always been, committed to supporting industry standards that help drive open cloud computing environments. This announcement is about bringing additional flexibility to cloud deployments and making it easier for both providers and customers to benefit from the cloud," said Greg Arnette, Sonian’s Chief Technology Officer.