Social, Mobile, Big Data and Cloud Converge Into Ubiquity

December 24, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from Business2Community. Author: Dan Newman.

Today, four of the most impactful streams of technology – social media, mobile, big data, and cloud are gradually converging into one powerful force that’s making way for a huge shift in the current business landscape. While the combination of these technologies will unlock new opportunities for businesses, it will also change the way we live and work. On the whole, convergence technology is the new innovation to watch. Sound interesting?

If your interest is piqued, then you might be intrigued to hear that convergence technology is going to be utterly indispensable for businesses as well. Let me explain. Businesses are leveraging the power of social, mobile, cloud, and big data already. To this point, these powers have been compartmented, more or less…

The truth, however, is when these technologies are allowed to overlap, they will reinforce each other’s benefits unlocking limitless potential for users. This is undoubtedly going to up the game in the areas of collaboration, engagement, innovation, and efficiency across businesses and IT ecosystems worldwide…

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