So Long, Hardware: Tech Spending Sinks on Land, Soars in Cloud Computing

May 17, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from Author: Editorial Staff.

Thinking about your company’s tech investments? How much of your thinking is up in the cloud? For many companies, the answer is: A great deal. According to a 2015 RightScale survey of the latest cloud computing trends, 93 percent of the respondents reported adopting cloud services.

Eighty two percent of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy (i.e., a mix on-premises, private and third-party public cloud platforms), up from 74 percent in 2014. As The Wall Street Journal reports, there is "a shift toward purchasing virtualized, digital services that replace physical equipment."…

The promise of technology all too frequently becomes the disappointment of technology. Sometimes that’s because the technology overpromises. But perhaps what is most often the case is the implementation of the technology wasn’t totally thought out and/or rightly executed…

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