Simplify Managing Docker with Puppet

April 17, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Puppet Labs.  Author: Gareth Rushgrove

With the impending release of Puppet Enterprise 3.8, we will be adding support for managing Docker and Docker containers.

For those of you who haven’t yet had the chance to take a look at Docker, it enables apps to be quickly assembled from multiple components and eliminates some of the friction between development, QA, and production environments. With new Docker Platform tools Swarm, Machine and Compose, it is a growing component of modern infrastructure.


Docker was first released around two years ago, and since then it’s increasingly used as the basis for testing infrastructure, development environments and all manner of production applications. Using Puppet to manage Docker allows users to more quickly and efficiently deploy, and start and stop containers. The Puppet Docker module was first released around the initial release of Docker, and has been a great community effort since then, with more than 200 pull requests and close to 100,000 downloads from the Puppet Forge alone.

Managing Docker

At its simplest, the Docker module allows you to install Docker with one line in your manifest:

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