ServiceMesh CEO Eric Pulier Discusses Impact of Cloud Management

November 15, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from WHIR. Author: Justin Lee.

With the growing complexity of cloud computing and the coexistence of private, hybrid, and public cloud systems and infrastructures, cloud management tools have become more important than ever. There is certainly a need for these tools to offer the same flexibility and scalability as a company’s cloud strategy, as they ensure the company’s cloud-based resources are effectively working and interacting with end users and other services.

A cloud management strategy often involves a range of tasks, such as performance monitoring, security and compliance auditing and management, and the launch and operation of a disaster recovery and contingency plans…

In an email interview with the WHIR, ServiceMesh CEO Eric Pulier discusses the importance of cloud management, how the cloud operating model will soon eliminate vendor lock-in, and how cloud management is pushing innovation in the industry forward…

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