Serverless technologies: the future of cloud

September 15, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Computing. Author: Peter Sbarski.

There’s a new term that’s stirring up interest and passion in the IT community. Funnily enough, it might herald the future of cloud computing, at least going by the amount of attention that major cloud vendors? -? Amazon, Microsoft, Google and IBM ?- ?are giving it. ‘Serverless’ is the term that’s causing ruckus but the awareness and understanding of serverless technologies and architectures is growing day by day.

What is serverless?

Serverless technologies are managed services that developers can use to build systems. These services can execute code, store data or perform other useful operations such as authentication. A common thread among these services is that the developer doesn’t have access to the underlying infrastructure. There’s no way to change hardware or update the operating system. Everything is managed and looked after by a vendor such as Amazon or Microsoft…

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