Security Is Top Concern In Adopting Cloud, Mobility And Big Data

November 8, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from HSToday.  Author: Kylie Bull.

Dell’s first Global Technology Adoption Index (GTAI), released November 4 at Dell World 2014, found security is the biggest concern in adopting cloud, mobility and big data.  The market research surveyed more than 2,000 global organizations and discovered that while 97 percent of those surveyed use or plan to use cloud services and nearly half have implemented a mobility strategy, big data adoption is trailing as approximately 60 percent of organizations surveyed do not know how to gain its insights.

While big data has proven marketing benefits, infrastructure costs and security tend to be the primary obstacles for implementing big data initiatives.  The Dell GTAI found IT decision-makers still consider security the biggest barrier for expanding mobility technologies (44 percent), using cloud computing (52 percent) and leveraging big data (35 percent)…

While security concerns are holding organizations back from further investing in major technologies, a lack of readily available security information is similarly preventing organizations from being prepared during a security breach. Only 30 percent of respondents said they have the right information available to make risk-based decisions, and only one in four organizations surveyed actually has a plan in place for all types of security breaches…

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