ScaleMatrix Launches “Cloud in a Box” at CA World 2011

December 6, 2011 Off By David
Grazed from Web Host Industry Review.  Author: PR Announcement.

In a press release issued Thursday, December 1, cloud computing technology provider ScaleMatrix announced that it had used the CA World 2011 event as the launch platform for its “Cloud in a Box” mobile compute platform.

According to ScaleMatrix, more than 6,000 partners attended the CA Technologies event in Las Vegas in November, many of them demonstrating technologies, frequently with an emphasis on the CA private cloud platform AppLogic (originally developed by the company 3Tera, which was acquired by CA).

As a bronze-level sponsor of the event, and a “key” infrastructure partner for CA, ScaleMatrix used the event as an opportunity to launch the product, which offers a combination of servers, software, networking hardware and environmental equipment, built into a proprietary high-density server rack, in order to simplify the deployment and creation of private cloud infrastructure…

ScaleMatrix says that, in addition to being on display for the first time, the Cloud in a Box solution was used by CA in delivering content at the show.

“We couldn’t think of a better venue or audience to debut the Cloud in a Box platform,” said chief sales and marketing officer Chris Orlando, quoted in the press release. “In a convention center, you don’t have access to racks, cooling, or infrastructure support – so the Cloud in a Box platform was ideal for housing the extensive infrastructure CA needed to run the CA World show floor and numerous product demonstrations.”

The show also saw the launch of CA’s Cloud Common Marketplace, a part of the company’s larger cloud ecosystem designed to facilitate the buying and selling of cloud solutions and cloud capacity. Scale Matrix says its infrastructure and professional service offerings will be available via the Cloud Commons Marketplace.