SAP study ‘proves importance of data quality’

September 13, 2010 Off By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

New research sponsored by SAP’s Sybase proves the tangible importance of data quality to an organisation, it has been claimed.

IT Business Edge blogger Loraine Lawson explained that a study conducted by the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas showed there are five data-related areas which can change financial metrics.

"Specifically, a mere ten per cent improvement in one or two areas – data quality, usability, intelligence, remote accessibility or sales mobility – can help finances," she explained.

Ms Lawson went on to point out that return on equity could be improved by an average 16 per cent because of investments in data quality and sales mobility projects.

Earlier this month, OCDQ blogger Jim Harris stated that effective data quality projects can build on successful best practice procedures already in place at an organisation.

He said that this could be in addition to fixing any problems with data quality that need to be tackled.