Research: The Internet of Things – hope, hype or hazard?

May 12, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Computing. Author: John Leonard.

How old is the Internet of Things (IoT)? Technological change being evolutionary it’s impossible to pinpoint an exact start date. The phrase was coined at the turn of the century, but for the sake of argument let’s just say that for practical purposes the IoT began 10 years ago when the ZigBee protocol for connecting smart-home devices came into being.

Rather conveniently that would make it about the same age as big data, which began (again for the sake of argument) with the arrival of Hadoop in 2005, and cloud computing (Amazon Elastic Compute cloud was released in 2006). The IoT is a superset of both cloud and big data analytics. While encompassing both, it also adds sensors, wireless communications and artificial intelligence, and as such has taken a little longer to enter the public imagination…

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