Red Hat brings OpenShift closer to the enterprise

May 16, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from InfoWorld. Author: Joab Jackson.

Red Hat continues to enhance its software portfolio for helping organizations run and manage cloud services in their own data centers, adding more features to its OpenShift Enterprise software package to accommodate enterprise requirements such as policy orchestration and multiregion availability.

OpenShift Enterprise 2.1, available now, also includes new releases of the latest open source software used in the platform-as-a-service (PaaS) hosting package, such as PHP and MySQL. Although it gets less attention than the IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service)-style cloud services, PaaS services can be valuable…

IaaS provides a complete OS within a cloud-based virtual machine, into which a user can install software programs. PaaS services, on the other hand, free organizations from maintaining the underlying operating systems, middleware or other underlying components that run an application. PaaS providers maintain the OS, and offer specific supporting programs, such as a database or programming language runtime, that developers can use to build their cloud-based applications…

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