Rackspace: Why Hybrid Cloud Computing Can Make You Happy

October 4, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from TalkinCloud. Author: CJ Arlotta.

With all of the hype surrounding hybrid cloud computing, we may need to take a step back to take a look at the market’s growth from another angle — a more philosophical approach. Rackspace Strategy Director Scott Sanchez aimed to redirect our focus in a blog post on how hybrid cloud computing is like happiness, which may be a stretch in some minds, but maybe he’s onto something.

"Everything you do, every emotion that enters your mind, every interaction you have, you have a choice to make – to be happy, or not," Sanchez said. "It’s quite simple once you realize that. At first, it is work, and you’ll make the wrong choices. But eventually it just clicks and starts to feel right."…

Sanchez applied his theory to hybrid cloud, pointing to the idea that hybrid cloud is an outcome of decisions, not something you buy — just like happiness…

Read more from the source @ http://talkincloud.com/cloud-companies/rackspace-why-hybrid-cloud-computing-can-make-you-happy