Qorus Software is awarded Microsoft Silver Cloud Platform Competency

July 5, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from ITBusinessNet.  Author: PR Announcement.

 Cloud computing is no longer just a mysterious trend over-hyped by marketers. As its early adopters have found, the cloud offers a significant competitive advantage when it comes to cost, scalability and flexibility. And with the likes of Azure hitting the market in 2010, most security and reliability concerns have been allayed.

As a company that specializes in making collaboration easier, Qorus Software is always looking for ways to improve its service to sales, marketing and bid management teams around the world. Naturally, making its most popular solution, Qorus Breeze Proposals, available in the cloud was high priority but so was ensuring improved security and reliability…

Our products were created to speed up the process of building accurate, personalised documents such as proposals, presentations and pitch books. A big part of what we do involves helping the brightest minds in a business to collaborate on content effortlessly, at the same time, from wherever they happen to be.  Microsoft SharePoint is a great enabler of this, with cloud computing taking it to the next level, explains Ray Meiring, CEO at Qorus…

Read more from the source @ http://www.itbusinessnet.com/article/Qorus-Software-is-awarded-Microsoft-Silver-Cloud-Platform-Competency-3963569