Public, Private, Hybrid? Which Cloud is Right for your Agency?

July 19, 2015 Off By David

 Grazed from Business2Community.  Author: Caron Beesley.

Should your agency move data or applications to the private or public cloud or a hybrid combination of the two? But those aren’t the only options. Other choices include a community cloud, a multi-tenant infrastructure that is shared among several organizations from a specific group with common computing concerns.  Then there’s the hybrid cloud which composes two or more of the above (private, public or community)
In our eBook, we suggest that choosing public over private (or any combination thereof) really comes down to risk management and is very dependent on your specific workload, your use case, and your security profile.  DISA’s CIO, David Bennett agrees. “You have to understand the risk and the data you’re dealing with,” said Bennett at a recent Nextgov event…

“As you look at those things, you have to ask questions like, ‘What controls do I have in place?’ We want to leverage commercial opportunities and reap the benefits of doing that, but we also want to verify and make certain what’s out there and that we’re able to understand and monitor that.”  Below are a few pointers from that can help you determine which infrastructure-as-a-service cloud is right for your agency – public, private, hybrid, or community clouds?…

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