Public cloud computing ‘can suit growing mobile usage’

March 10, 2011 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

IT organisations are turning to public cloud computing services when they come to launch mobile applications designed for multiple devices.

According to Mike Vizard, a columnist for IT Business Edge, there is a growing market for these apps, with the cloud being viewed by many as a good system for hosting them.

"Because no one is actually sure how well or how popular a new mobile application is going to be, a lot of IT organisations see public clouds as the perfect place to deploy these applications," he said.

Mr Vizard added that when mobile and cloud computing are combined, they create a greater level of demand for IT services.

However, he noted that potential problems can arise when the applications gain popularity and end up costing more to run on public clouds.

Earlier this month, IDC research country manager Ullrich Loeffler told more businesses in New Zealand may turn to cloud computing following the Christchurch earthquake, which destroyed the offices and IT systems of numerous companies.