Progressive aims to use cloud computing to improve its business intelligence and employee mobility

February 3, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from Microsoft. Author: Editorial Staff.

Progressive is looking to expand its use of cloud computing to help it realize greater organizational efficiencies, “investing less time on infrastructure and more on providing high-value services to the business,” write two of the company’s executives in a guest post on the Office Blogs.

Office 365 “will be an important part of our cloud approach and we are now taking the first steps by setting up identity management and deploying Office 365 ProPlus, the user-based subscription version of Microsoft Office, to our more than 26,000 employees,” write Scott McPherson, manager of enterprise architecture organization and software and security group, and Matt Lynn, domain architect of unified communications and collaboration group at Progressive…

“We have been heavy users of the Office suite for many years, and we expect to continue to grow that value with Office 365 ProPlus. Innovation requires extensive data analysis and collaboration and we rely on Microsoft software and services for these capabilities. The company depends on business intelligence for day-to-day decisions and also for those breakthrough insights that we turn into transformative products.”…

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