Private PaaS: the next generation platform for enterprises

June 18, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from GigaOM. Author: David Linthicum.

The early cloud computing adopters, mostly website developers, made initial use of emerging public PaaS technology such as Heroku, Engine Yard, and Google App Engine. Driving this movement was the use of the instant sandbox, which allowed developers to begin writing their apps without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

However, enterprises practically ignored public PaaS for obvious reasons, such as security and governance. While enterprises have the desire to create a standard development and deployment platform for the enterprise, they cannot afford the risks of multitenant public cloud services. So how do you make PaaS work for your enterprise? The answer lies in understanding new models of delivery, such as private PaaS. Moreover, there are emerging patterns of use that provide more business agility…

These include standardized business solutions development, such as a common business system, or a cost-effective platform to build and externalize services to customers and partners, such as providing and managing web services that allow controlled access to core business data or processes from outside the organization — in essence, turning the enterprise into a cloud provider…

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