Private cloud computing benefits occur on a case-by-case basis

November 30, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from TechTarget. Author: Alex Barrett.

When the trappings of public cloud computing — security concerns, lack of control, long-term costs — hinder adoption, many IT teams turn their attention, dollars and deployment efforts to private cloud. Still, not everyone is convinced that private cloud computing is the answer.

Indeed, some people at IT organizations who have embarked on a traditional private cloud project are concerned that private cloud didn’t fix the problems it was supposed to solve, said Pat O’Day, CTO at BlueLock, a cloud provider based on VMware’s vCloud offering…

"[Many] implemented the private cloud, but it didn’t really turn them into a service organization," O’Day said. Nor does private cloud get you out of the infrastructure management game. "Private cloud is hard and expensive, and at the end of the day, you still own the infrastructure and have to manage and integrate it. Yikes!" said Ellen Rubin, vice president of cloud products at Terremark, a Verizon company that offers managed hosting and cloud services…

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