Price vs. Service – What Will Win the Cloud War?

August 16, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from MarkleyGroup.  Author: Paul Diamond.

For companies that haven’t yet dabbled in the cloud, the types and options seem endless and in some cases, intimidating. Where to even start when choosing what’s best for your company? What’s worse – if you’ve been keeping up with the IT industry buzz on the topic, you know that vendors, analysts and pundits have been touting the best cloud computing solutions and strategies for years.

The reasons for why specific solutions and strategies rise to become considered the “best” are for various motives and factors, and often times, pertain to specific infrastructure scenarios. Within industry coverage and articles that debate these cloud computing solutions and strategies, you will often read the comparison described as the “cloud war.”…

So, what are the main factors driving the “cloud war?” To date, the industry and end users seem to care most about either the cost or the services associated with cloud offerings. So lets break down what this means and why it’s important:…

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