Platform9 Announces Hybrid Cloud-as-a-Service for OpenStack Community

October 26, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Platform9

Platform9, the open source-as-a-service company making cloud infrastructure easy, today announced that it has made significant contributions to OpenStack to enable hybrid cloud management by integrating with public cloud endpoints. These extensions enable OpenStack APIs to be the single, open standard for managing cloud infrastructure across private and public endpoints, and enables developers to focus on solving core business problems and not worry about configuring and managing backend infrastructure. These extensions are immediately available to the OpenStack community.

As an increasing number of businesses look to implement or expand hybrid cloud deployments, OpenStack now provides a platform-agnostic — and cost-effective — alternative to avoid being locked into a specific vendor ecosystem. Centralizing hybrid cloud deployments on OpenStack allows IT teams to freely integrate with other best-of-breed cloud platforms while maintaining a private cloud-like level of visibility and control. IT can now enable developer agility by allowing rapid provisioning of resources across different cloud platforms via OpenStack’s self-service portal, while still maintaining an organization’s policies around capacity and quota management.

"While hybrid cloud models have emerged as a best practice for digital transformation initiatives at businesses both large and small, the lack of an open standard to manage public and private cloud environments has been a major pain point," said Madhura Maskasky, co-founder and vice president of product at Platform9. "By contributing these extensions to the OpenStack community, we help enterprise IT break through the public and private siloes and drive exponentially higher success rates for hybrid cloud projects."

The extensions include OpenStack drivers for Amazon Web Services to integrate OpenStack projects such as nova, glance, neutron, and cinder with AWS. This represents the first set of drivers of its kind, and promises to provide support for other popular public clouds in the future.

"Providers like Platform9 have shown enterprises the utility of a consumption model that delivers OpenStack innovation through a multi-cloud approach," said Mark Collier, chief operating officer at the OpenStack Foundation. "It’s helping to bring new users into the community, proving the value of OpenStack as the standardized platform for private, hybrid and public clouds tuned to each unique application use case."

Platform9’s Managed OpenStack Service now fully integrates with these extensions. Platform9 is now the first OpenStack solution to manage private and public cloud environments, providing a single pane of glass management across virtual machines and containers, across multiple regions and hybrid environments.