Pivotal Doubles Membership of Cloud Foundry Foundation

May 29, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Pivotal. Author: PR Announcement.

Pivotal, the software company at the intersection of big data, PaaS, and agile development, today announced that 16 Silver level members have committed to join the Cloud Foundry® Foundation, completing the latest round of sponsors who will make up the Foundation’s first members when it is formed this Fall. The quick and rapid formation of the Foundation members demonstrates the appetite for a multi-cloud platform-as-a-service as key to a new computing architecture that will help businesses succeed in the era of the cloud. The Foundation now has companies across technology, retail, telecom, and finance industries.

"Support of Cloud Foundry from its exciting technology and industry users will ensure that the open PaaS movement supports the growth and evolution of a new cloud architecture built for today’s enterprises," said Leo Spiegel, senior vice president, corporate development, Pivotal. "The great user experience created through Cloud Foundry, supported by a broad ecosystem, is giving rise to applications and services that will have a wide-reaching impact on people and the world at large."…

The non-profit Cloud Foundry Foundation expands the spirit and community effort to evolve and extend Cloud Foundry, the leading enterprise platform-as-a-service from Pivotal. Each new Silver level sponsor will advise on Foundation objectives, and provide resources to grow the community and its ecosystem. The new Silver Foundation members have signed membership applications until the foundation formally launches in the Fall of 2014.

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