PCI DSS cloud computing guidelines
February 8, 2013Grazed from NetSecurity.org. Author: Editorial Staff.
The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) published the PCI DSS Cloud Computing Guidelines Information Supplement, a product of the Cloud Special Interest Group (SIG). Businesses deploying cloud technology can use this resource as a guide for choosing solutions and third-party cloud providers that will help them secure their customer payment data and support PCI DSS compliance.
PCI Participating Organizations selected cloud computing as a key area to address via the SIG process. More than 100 global organizations representing banks, merchants, security assessors and technology vendors collaborated on this guidance designed to help companies identify and address the security challenges for different cloud architectures and models, and understand their PCI DSS responsibilities when implementing these solutions…
“One of cloud computing’s biggest strengths is its shared-responsibility model. However, this shared model can magnify the difficulties of architecting a secure computing environment,” said Chris Brenton, a PCI Cloud SIG contributor and director of security for CloudPassage. “One of this supplement’s greatest achievements is that it clearly defines the security responsibilities of the cloud provider and the cloud customer. With PCI DSS as the foundation, this guidance provides an excellent roadmap to crafting a secure posture in both private and public cloud.”…
Read more from the source @ http://www.net-security.org/secworld.php?id=14379