Patent Leader IBM Targets Cloud Tech

January 12, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from EnterpriseTech. Author: George Leopold.

IBM said Monday (January 12) it has been awarded more than 7,500 patents in 2014, including more than 3,000 related to cloud computing, data analytics and online security. The company also took credit for topping the annual list of U.S. patent recipients for the twenty-second consecutive year.

Since 2010, IBM claimed it has more than doubled the number of patented technologies in sectors like cloud computing and big data. Of these, more than 500 covered emerging computing technologies that could help propel its Watson cognitive computing effort. The annual patent race underscores the growing importance of intellectual property as the coin of the technology realm…

Technology giants like IBM, Samsung, Microsoft and Google are pouring billions of dollars into research and development so they can lock up ownership of emerging technologies. Hence, the licensing of technologies patented in the U.S. has become a key revenue stream for tech companies that also maintain armies of patent lawyers to defend their intellectual property portfolios…

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