PaaS Assessment Tool: Can Your App Development Be Done in the Cloud?

August 24, 2010 Off By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: John Storts.

Thinking of moving your application development platform offsite and into the cloud? Before making that decision, you’ll want to determine if such a move is right for the your organization’s business needs. You’ll need to know if your development team is ready and if the applications being produced are appropriate for the cloud.


Info-Tech Research Group uploaded an assessment tool to assist IT decision-makers in figuring out whether an application can successfully be developed on a cloud-based platform. The spreadsheet tool provides a set of questions designed to determine an application’s suitability in terms of:

  • Upfront capital costs.
  • Development process maturity.
  • Previous cloud experience.


Reuse the spreadsheet as needed for successive applications. Don’t make a rush into the cloud that you could regret later.