Overcoming File Sharing, Healthcare App Cloud Security Concerns
July 7, 2017Grazed from HealthITSecurity. Author: Editorial Staff.
Potential file sharing and healthcare cloud security risks must be addressed in covered entities’ and business associates’ risk analyses, according to the latest OCR cybersecurity newsletter. These collaboration tools can greatly benefit organizations, but the possible privacy and security risks cannot be ignored.
Risk management policies and business associate agreements (BAAs) should also review any file sharing or cloud computing options to ensure PHI security, OCR maintained. “Misconfigurations of file sharing and collaboration tools, as well as cloud computing services, are common issues that can result in the disclosure of sensitive data, including ePHI,” the newsletter stated…
“Too often, access, authentication, encryption and other security controls are either disabled or left with default settings, which can lead to unauthorized access to or disclosure of that data.”…
Read more from the source @ https://healthitsecurity.com/news/overcoming-file-sharing-healthcare-cloud-security-concerns