Oracle keeps missing the point of cloud computing

May 6, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from InfoWorld. Author: David Linthicum.

I can’t make this stuff up: Oracle is going to provide you some cloud options. That seems like a major shift for a company that has long derided the cloud and then tried to redefine "cloud" to mean, basically, hosting. But there’s a catch: Oracle is not exactly offering cloud services but instead, in a bid to block defections to competitors such as Workday and, is letting customers convert their existing annual support purchases into software subscriptions for its SaaS applications.

In other words, you can take the massive amount of money you’re tossing at Oracle for applications (and other stuff, I assume) and spend that same massive amount of money for the public cloud versions of the same stuff. Why isn’t Oracle actually adding value to its customers’ business by evolving the use of IT services in more innovative and productive directions?…

This latest not-really-cloud move by Oracle makes clear that, despite some hopeful signs last fall:

1. Oracle does not understand the value of cloud computing for enterprises.
2. Oracle isn’t helping its own situation as cloud continues to gain traction, and instead it continues to miss the cloud boat…

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