Online Auction Benefits from Online Tech’s High Availability Cloud Hosting

June 7, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from Online Tech.  Author: PR Announcement

Ranger Data Technologies, a software developer offering solutions and online auctions for the newspaper industry, has recently switched to hosting their online auction website, boocoo, on Online Tech’s managed cloud. Online Tech’s managed cloud is built around a high availability private cloud architecture, redundancy is built-in with multiple hosts, SAN storage and network security.

Ranger Data’s boocoo auction website was experiencing prolonged downtime with their previous hosting provider. George Willard, Jr., Senior Vice President of Operations, knew it was imperative to find a more reliable solution. “When dealing with online auction websites and people selling their items, they are not going to do business with you if your site is experiencing downtime,” said Willard.

The company decided to partner with Online Tech to host their e-commerce auction website on a managed cloud solution. The cloud platform was more cost-effective and offered the flexibility to grow as their auction website grows. Online Tech’s managed cloud platform is designed to ensure 100% uptime with enterprise-level VMware and high availability hosts, network and managed SAN storage, as opposed to most public clouds which are designed to minimize hardware, storage and virtualization costs.

“Online auction businesses live and die by the availability of their services, and we know that keeping online services always available is mission critical. Ranger Data is a great example of how important high availability is to e-commerce customers, and Online Tech’s cloud hosting offers affordable, high-availability clouds to growing businesses,” said Mike Klein, Online Tech’s President and COO.