ODCA’s yardstick on enterprise cloud usag

March 21, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Voicendata. Author: Editorial Staff.

The Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA), which works on bringing advancement in enterprise cloud solutions and services, has unveiled its third annual membership survey that highlighted continued growth in adoption of cloud computing by Alliance members, and also the broad market trends, including the usage of ODCA models to guide cloud purchases.

The 2013 annual ODCA membership survey, which took into account information from 124 members, found that 31% of respondents are running at least 40% of their IT operations in an internal cloud. This number is expected to grow up to 70% of respondents by 2016. Moreover, the findings also showed that 74% of respondents who are already using or plan to use ODCA’s usage model requirements in requests for proposals (RFPs) in the next six months, an inclination from 63% in 2012…

ODCA usage models describe specific customer requirements that should be met in order to make cloud computing simpler, more secure and more efficient…

Read more from the source at: http://www.voicendata.com/voice-data/news/211325/odcas-yardstick-enterprise-cloud-usage#sthash.nBsGq5Rb.dpuf

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