New Storage Technology: Should You Believe the Hype?

October 19, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from VMblog.

As a child of the 1980s, there are particular songs, such as "Danger Zone," "Shout" and "No Sleep Till Brooklyn," that really take me back to the essence of that time period (RIP mullet). On the flip side, there are also times where current events make me think of ‘80s hits. Take today’s storage market and the myriad of technologies and changes being discussed. Can’t you just hear Public Enemy’s classic "Don’t Believe the Hype" playing in the background? I know I can.

There’s so much hype in regard to different storage technologies that it can be overwhelming to keep up, let alone make a decision on what is right for your company. Add to this that you’ve also got to manage the pressures of business needs, storage performance needs, data protection, data growth and resource constraints, just to name a few.

Now, I might come off as pro old-school IT here, but I’m really not. Hyperconvergence, flash and cloud certainly have their place, but what I’m getting at is that the hype surrounding these is enough to make you think they’re each the best thing since The Police’s reunion tour, and by that I of course mean each has the power to be the end all, be all of your data center’s existence.

But before you jump on any of these bandwagons, it’s worth taking some time to review each trend and really determine if they’re right for your environment by asking some key questions before buying in.

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