NEW! Documenting Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x with Microsoft PowerShell V2.0

February 27, 2017 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Carl Webster

FINALLY! After 14 months of development, almost 29,000 lines of PowerShell, many hours of my time and with the help of almost 200 testers, we are pleased to present you with Version 2.0 of the XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x documentation script. This script is for versions of XenApp/XenDesktop 7.8 and later. Version 1.xx is for XenApp/XenDesktop versions 7.0 through 7.7

First, I would like to thank my employer, Choice Solutions, for allowing me the time to do some of the development work on company time. I was able to use customer deployments to run the script and verify data and some of my fellow engineers at Choice submitted enhancement requests.

I would also like to thank the engineers at Citrix who helped me figure out how to retrieve and gather some data I just couldn’t figure out how to find.

I started work on this script as soon as I received a copy of 7.8 for testing. Before I could finish updating the script, 7.9 was released. And then came 7.11 and then 7.12 and now 7.13. WHEW! Maybe I can get a breath before the next version is released.

The script has been tested with the following versions of XenDesktop 7:

Here are changes from version 1.20 which was the basis for this script:

Read more from the source @ Documenting Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x with Microsoft PowerShell V2.0