Nebula Elected to New OpenStack Leadership Positions

March 5, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from MarketWatch.  Author: PR Announcement.

Nebula co-founder and VP of Engineering Devin Carlen and Principal Engineer Joe Heck have been elected to lead two of the six core OpenStack(TM) projects. Engineers from Rackspace and Nicira were elected to lead the other four core projects.

"Nebula’s expanding technical leadership will ensure that OpenStack continues to be the most innovative cloud computing platform," said Chris C. Kemp, Nebula CEO and co-founder of the OpenStack project…

Devin Carlen will lead the OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) project, and Joe Heck will lead the OpenStack Identity Service (Keystone) project. Each of the six OpenStack projects has a community-elected technical lead with the primary technical leadership and governance for each project.

Carlen, a founding engineer of the Nova project, the core cloud computing engine developed by NASA and the first official project in OpenStack, led the Horizon project through the first-ever OpenStack core incubation process. Carlen has been both a principal architect and contributing developer to the project. "As the size of the OpenStack ecosystem grows, it is critically important that companies that extend and enhance OpenStack leverage Horizon’s open and pluggable architecture," said Carlen.

Heck was an early contributor to OpenStack as the Director of Cloud Services at Disney. "It’s imperative that OpenStack not just be an API specification, but a solid reference implementation to provide concrete interoperability," said Heck. "I see Keystone not as an identity management system, but as a proxy to existing identity systems that must integrate with OpenStack." Heck is currently an engineering director at Nebula.

Carlen and Heck will also occupy seats on the OpenStack Project Policy Board. PPB responsibilities include the definition and ownership of the OpenStack mission and vision, coordination and alignment across OpenStack projects and community-driven requirements, managing the process for additional projects both to the incubation program and to the core set of projects, assuring compatibility with OpenStack’s mission, ensuring inter-project architectural consistency and coherent API definition, and establishing policies to maximize efficiency and ensure compatibility across projects.