Most enterprise cloud app usage falls under shadow IT, but could this be a positive for the CIO?

February 3, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from CloudComputing. Author: James Bourne.

86% of cloud apps used by enterprises fall under the category of shadow IT, while nearly three quarters aren’t ‘Safe Harbour’ approved, according to an industry report from CipherCloud. The research findings, coming amidst worries of more sophisticated mobile malware and vulnerabilities, suggest organisations need to do more to assess what’s going on in their internal IT. One major US enterprise polled estimated it had 10 to 15 file sharing applications in use; the real number was almost 70.

More than half (52%) of publishing apps were considered high risk, while 42% of social apps and 40% of career-based apps were also considered risky. Enterprises in both North America and Europe are leveraging cloud applications extensively. An average global enterprises uses more than 1000 apps, and though North American businesses (1245) predictably use more than European firms (981), the gap is closing…

Not surprisingly, social was the most popular class of cloud app, followed by collaboration, marketing, IT infrastructure and media…

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