Mitigating Risks and Negotiating Terms for Cloud Services

September 7, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from DailyReportOnline. Author: Michelle Tyde.

Cloud computing services (the outsourcing of information technology services via the internet) continue to evolve rapidly in the technology industry due to greater flexibility and economy. According to the research analyst Gartner, the use of cloud computing will become the bulk of new IT spend this year.

Providers are able to offer low-cost, flexible solutions because they standardize their offerings for multiple customers. Customers benefit from the cost savings, flexibility and scalability of the services. The downside to cloud services are that providers are less likely than traditional outsourcing providers to adapt their solutions to a customer’s needs or negotiate contract terms…

Moreover, cloud computing services can be a double-edged sword; many of the benefits create significant legal risks, including data loss, security breaches and service availability issues…

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