Mirantis OpenStack Certification Enables Businesses With Private and Hybrid Cloud Infrastructures to Utilize Violin Memory Flash

July 21, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Mirantis and Violin Memory

Violin Memory, Inc., a global pioneer of award-winning all flash storage platform solutions for primary storage and active workloads, today announced the company has obtained Mirantis Certification for OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) that will give businesses and service providers the ability to leverage Violin’s Flash Storage Platform (FSP) in both private and hybrid cloud computing environments. The company’s commitment to use of cloud by the enterprise is evidenced by this latest certification, which will impact and benefit the businesses that are part of one of the largest distributions of OpenStack in the market: the Mirantis user base.

This certification ensures that Violin’s FSP has been tested and is supported for use with this commercial distribution to provide consistent low latency, high performance and compatibility.

As a leading OpenStack distribution, the Mirantis platform has become a key platform on which many businesses have built private and hybrid cloud computing environments to support Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

"Through our compatibility with OpenStack and Mirantis, Violin continues to fulfill its ongoing promise to support a growing customer base of cloud service providers and enterprises deploying private and hybrid clouds," said Sudhir Prasad, Senior Director, Product Management. "This certification will allow businesses to leverage the high-performing capabilities of Violin’s Flash Storage Platform."

For more information on Violin Memory’s latest Mirantis certification, its Flash Storage Platform and more please visit http://www.violin-memory.com/.