Microsoft CSPs Expecting Less Conflict, More Azure Consumption

October 30, 2017 Off By David
Grazed from Redmond Channel Partner.  Author: Jeffrey Schwartz
Microsoft wants to drive more Azure consumption.

Considering revenue growth has practically doubled every quarter for some time, the Azure business might not seem like a huge problem. It’s not about trying to pull ahead of Amazon Web Services (AWS), which by far is the largest cloud provider. Despite the growth of Azure, clearly the No. 2 global public cloud, Microsoft needs to ensure that Google,, IBM and others keep their distance.

For Microsoft, what’s perhaps even more important is that the dominance of AWS doesn’t become insurmountable. 


The critical strategy for Microsoft is bringing its existing on-premises customer base to Azure, ensuring they don’t move to AWS or another cloud. Microsoft’s path to bringing more customers to use Azure infrastructure and platform services is by having its partners help drive consumption, which is part of the reason the company launched its Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program a few years ago. Designed to bring partners and field service reps together to jointly offer cloud solutions to large enterprise customers, the CSP execution was flawed. When jointly meeting with enterprise customers, partners and Microsoft field reps had conflicting agendas.

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