Metacloud Gives Your Company a Private Cloud

November 30, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Peter Cohen.

If you’re a company trying to lower the cost of running your computers, the idea of sending it to the cloud could be a dream come true. But that’s only the case if the cloud’s promise of lower operating costs does not come at too high a price.

That high price, of course, is that once its systems operate on the cloud, the company loses its ability to control its own computing capabilities — and has the unintended, but nonetheless painful result of suffering security problems and diminished service quality that makes the company wish that it had never taken the fateful step of putting its computing on the cloud…

In an interview with cloud computing start-up, Metacloud, co-founder and CEO, Steve Curry, and co-founder and CTO, Sean Lynch, I learned that their Jerry Yang and Storm Ventures-backed start-up founded in 2011 uncloaked itself October 15 from “stealth mode with a Fortune 100 customer already under its belt.” And Metacloud’s goal is to deliver the flexibility of the cloud with the security and control of a company-owned computing network. As they explained, Metcloud “delivers managed private clouds built on OpenStack, the leading open source cloud platform.”…

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