Memo to Microsoft’s Nadella: 10 Cloud & Enterprise Questions

October 5, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from The Var Guy.  Author: Editorial Staff.

Satya Nadella, head of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise business and CEO Steve Ballmer’s potential successor, seems receptive to media questions. So, here are 10 of them from The VAR Guy.

Dear Satya: The VAR Guy heard a rumor that you’re receptive to media questions about Microsoft‘s (MSFT) cloud and enterprise business. (Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.) Rather than use the proper channels (does The VAR Guy ever?), our resident blogger figured he’d simply share his questions with the broader world. So what #MSFTCloud questions are on The VAR Guy’s mind? Here are 10 of them.  Before we get to public cloud stuff, let’s start with on-premises and enterprise questions.

1. Windows Server 2012 and Hyper-V: It sounds like Microsoft has good momentum. But rivals like VMware (VMW) are pushing beyond server virtualization to the left (software defined storage) and to the right (software defined networking). Add it all up and you get the software defined data center (at least in VMware’s mind). What’s Microsoft’s take on software-defined everything?…

2. Big Data: In theory Windows Server and SQL Server could be a great combo for Big Data applications. But The VAR Guy keeps hearing about NoSQL, Hadoop, etc. Our resident blogger knows Microsoft has made some support moves in those areas. But could you briefly explain Microsoft’s Big Data strategy — especially as it relates to third-party solutions like NoSQL and Hadoop?…

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