Master data management projects ‘should be focused on long-term goals’

March 25, 2011 Off By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author:  James Glass.

Master data management projects need to have a focus on their long-term objectives, it has been suggested.

In a column for the IT Business Edge website, commentator Loraine Lawson noted a recent study from the Aberdeen Group contained this advice.

It said "minor tactical considerations" that crop up over the course of such a scheme should not become a barrier to meeting these goals.

"Make sure the end result will be driving profit and productivity in the areas that matter most," said the report.

The Aberdeen Group noted 70 per cent of the businesses it questioned considered this to be the most essential strategic action when it comes to master data management work.

Earlier this month, Nathaniel Rowe, a research analyst at the organisation, said companies with a formal master data management programme in place were found to be more successful than their competitors in terms of their business operations and decisions.