MariaDB SkySQL Adds ‘Power Tier’ for Enterprises That Demand Distinction Database-as-a-Service and Customization Compatible for the First Time

May 14, 2020 Off By David
Object Storage

MariaDB Corporation announced the immediate availability of MariaDB SkySQL Power, the first database-as-a-service (DBaaS) offering that lets enterprises customize options and configurations to fit their distinct requirements. Built on top of SkySQL’s Foundation, which delivers the complete MariaDB Platform experience in the cloud, Power adds important benefits such as the ability to customize instance types to maximize efficiency and resource utilization for a lower total cost of ownership (TCO), and the ability to meet specific enterprise security, high availability or disaster recovery requirements. 

“With SkySQL Power, we’re listening to our customers instead of telling them how they should work in the cloud,” said Michael Howard, CEO of MariaDB Corporation. “Traditional DBaaS solutions don’t let enterprises express their uniqueness through their deployments. They offer standard database templates forged from spreadsheets, rather than real usage. With SkySQL, we’re taking a different approach. Our customers get convenience through SkySQL Foundation and, if they have specific requirements, they can get a custom deployment that meets their needs through Power.”

SkySQL Power solves the common enterprise problem that traditional DBaaS offerings can’t accommodate – easily incorporating custom database requirements into a deployment. Universally, a DBaaS offers convenience through limited sizing options – similar to buying T-shirts or off-the-rack suits, for example. SkySQL Power lets customers choose the preferences that fit their specific enterprise needs, similar to a custom tailored suit with countless combinations of fabrics and styles to choose from. With SkySQL Power, the same level of flexibility and precision inherent in on-prem deployments is now possible in a cloud database for the first time.

“We’re excited for what MariaDB SkySQL can do for us – giving us the convenience of a DBaaS with the performance and security we expect from MariaDB,” said Paul Greaves, Head of Engineering, O2 Enterprise and Wifi, Telefónica UK Limited. “With MariaDB, we get a partner who listens and is willing to add features to SkySQL to support our specific needs.”

Power Under the Hood

SkySQL is built using the extensible configuration and workflow management capabilities of the ServiceNow Platform combined with an advanced Kubernetes operator, and the dynamic resource and scheduling capabilities of Kubernetes itself. This modern architecture is what underpins SkySQL Foundation, allowing customers to self-select database instance types and topologies.

SkySQL Power leverages the Foundation architecture to enable a level of customization and white labeling impossible with other cloud database backends that lack the extensibility and flexibility to accommodate variability. MariaDB cloud-certified enterprise architects work with Power customers to understand their requirements and plot a path to extend SkySQL. SkySQL product and engineering teams then expose the customized features and configurations through the self-service customer portal. Customizations are unique to each individual Power customer. SkySQL Power also lets enterprises control the custom instance size options available for their team to use. The full SkySQL stack including monitoring, self-service of standard instance sizes, automated backup and other Foundation capabilities remain available to Power customers.

Availability SkySQL Power and Foundation are available now.