Key Benefits of Cloud-based Disaster Recovery You Should Know

January 15, 2019 Off By David

According to the 2016 Cost of Data Center Outages report, partial unplanned shutdown has cost organizations $499,800 while total outages cost a staggering $946,788, or an overall average cost of $740,357. Downtime means lost of revenue and business disruption which could severely damage reputation. What is even worse? The possibility of losing that valuable data forever.

Cloud-based disaster recovery provides organizations a way to secure data, recover, and even implement a failover in the event of a disaster, whether man-made or natural, by storing and maintaining electronic data in a cloud environment. While an organization may survive and recover data after a disaster by utilizing traditional data recovery resources, there are specific benefits to business that a cloud-based disaster hard drive data recovery services can provide.

Quicker Response and Recovery Time

Quicker response and fast recovery time mean less data recovery costs. Cloud-based disaster recovery makes that possible. Organizations will be able to respond and reduce the amount of recovery time from weeks or days to hours or even minutes.

Cloud-based disaster recovery also allows companies to recover from within the cloud itself through automation making recovery execution a fast and seamless process. Cloud-based disaster recovery site can be synced with the onsite data center, ensuring that electronic records are up-to-date and complete.

On the other hand, traditional disaster recovery strategies involve manually backing up data and storing at the onsite data center, manual transporting to an offsite location, or implementing automated transport to an offsite location. This process makes data recovery tedious and longer, causing a prolonged outage and higher data recovery costs.

Cost Effective and Efficiency

With the traditional disaster recovery plan, companies need to invest and set up a redundant system, which means investing in a separate set of equipment, training personnel, and constant upgrading. Cloud-based disaster recovery takes that burden away as it allows companies to pay only for their storing needs according to what data is critical to their business without having to invest on equipment, that will most of the time sit idle. Cloud-based disaster recovery provides pay-as-you-go models allowing companies to align their recovery strategy with the size and complexity of their operation.


The worst that can happen during a disaster, such as a damaging hurricane, is to have your recovery facility in the same location or close to your onsite data center; it offers little or no chance of recovering your data. Having you recovery center or provider in the same location as your business means higher chances of both being affected when a disaster like flood strikes. Cloud data recovery allows data recovery centers to be moved easily to anywhere in the world.


Traditional disaster recovery resources may not always keep up with your growing business. In time, your business needs may outgrow your backup disaster recovery resources, and this can be bad

With cloud data recovery, you can scale your storage any time according to the demands of your business with having to go through a lengthy and tedious implementation process.

Preparing for the worse means not only considering the costs and savings. A disaster recovery plan should also be able to adapt to the ever-changing business needs, be cost-efficient, and be able to respond with minimal downtime as possible.