Kemp Simplifies Application Delivery Management and Cloud Migration Costs with Launch of Transparent Cost Calculator

January 18, 2019 Off By David
Object Storage

Kemp announced the release of the Kemp total cost of ownership (TCO) calculator, which enables enterprises to gain visibility into the overarching costs associated with cloud migration and application delivery.

To calculate your costs, try the TCO calculator here:

Unlike traditional load balancer/ADC deployments, where the customer pays a license per appliance and must predict future throughput, Kemp’s metered licensing and per-app ADC deployment model benefits customers by enabling them to provision any number of Kemp LoadMasters as needed with unlimited throughput. This reduces the total cost of ownership for load balancing, especially in multi-cloud environments.

The Kemp TCO calculator compares metered, perpetual and competitive load balancing/ADC licensing. Users can assess the number and capacity range of load balancers needed to support their application infrastructure, providing them with insight on estimated TCO.

"Customers have been traditionally handcuffed by licensing models that better suit the vendor," said Peter Melerud, chief strategy officer and co-founder, Kemp. "Kemp has disrupted licensing for application delivery with a move to consumption-based metered licensing that decouples the cost per-appliance and the cost of throughput."

Peter added, "To truly take advantage of the elastic cloud model, deploying on a per-app basis gives customers agility to provide the best application experience for their users. It also limits the blast radius from threats from neighboring applications which is a much better model than using one size fits all."

This calculator provides application delivery TCO insight based on three common application usage patterns:

  • Peak Usage: This scenario reflects the traffic profile of organizations that have busy periods such as a holiday season, sale or student registration where traffic levels are significantly above normal. Metering of traffic is ideal for this scenario as it avoids the over-provisioning cost associated with perpetual licenses.
  • Steady Growth: For scenarios where traffic increases lineally over time, this model sizes requirements based on the growth rate entered and the capacity required in month 36 of the three-year model. The model assumes that growth will be steady and not follow a ‘hockey stick’ type pattern.
  • On Demand: With this on-off scenario, the calculator models usage based on a requirement to go from zero to the capacity defined. The model uses the on-demand peak provided and the frequency to calculate usage.