Jump Takes Cloud Inventory Management to Health Care

July 30, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from TalkinCloud. Author: Chris Talbot.

One way a cloud services provider can differentiate itself is by providing cloud applications and services targeted at a specific vertical market. Although some vertical markets may be larger than others, which dictates the potential revenue opportunities, some verticals are adopting cloud computing in a big way.

A growing vertical in the cloud space is health care. Although security concerns are still top-of-mind for IT healthcare professionals, especially as they pertain to regulatory compliance and keeping data safe from prying eyes, more healthcare organizations and businesses are turning to the cloud to fulfill their application needs…

Jump Technologies, which develops supply chain management solutions using a combination of “smart technology” and the cloud, is taking its technology to the healthcare space. JumpStock is an inventory management solution that the company claims is a simple and easy-to-use cloud technology that it takes to market through integration and OEM partners. Jump has its eye on the healthcare market and just released a version of JumpStock for that vertical…

Read more from the source @ http://talkincloud.com/cloud-computing-vertical-markets/jump-takes-cloud-inventory-management-health-care