Jelastic Launches New Mobile Application for Cloud Platform Management

September 30, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from TopHosts. Author: Cliff Boodoosingh.

Jelastic Inc., a leading provider of an advanced and scalable Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and winner of the prestigious Duke’s Choice Award, today announced the release of its new mobile application which offers remote access to the Jelastic cloud management system. The application was developed specifically for enabling Java and PHP developers to significantly boost workday productivity from any location. Jelastic’s Mobile App is available now and can be downloaded free of charge at the iTunes Store.

The Jelastic Mobile App is an ideal addition to the company’s web admin panel. Using this console, users can conduct a number of critical functions, including:
– Viewing and monitoring environments in Jelastic
– Viewing the current status and resource consumption for each environment
– Changing the state of any Java/PHP environment: (i.e. stop a cloud environment that is currently not in use in order to decrease resource consumption, and re-activate the environment as needed)
– Tracking a balance and viewing billing history…

Jelastic users can flawlessly execute all the above actions on an iPhone 4, 4S, 5 or iPad 2, 3 or 4G. Jelastic is known for its unique approach to cloud hosting and for pushing its highly sophisticated PaaS beyond today’s traditional barriers. Jelastic allows users to run any Java or PHP application without any code changes, with all installations and configurations seamlessly automated. Developers can set up cloud environments in just seconds using any of the major software stacks, as well as enjoy the auto-scaling feature that dramatically saves resources, time and money…

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