It’s Time To Blow Away Cloud Jargon

December 3, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from MinuteHack. Author: Daniel Keighron-Foster.

Technology is full of inaccessible jargon that sets business owners’ heads scratching. The cloud is no different. It’s time to put all that to bed as we outline five of the most common buzz phrases in cloud computing. Earlier in the year, an industry study revealed that more than half of all Americans believe storms affect cloud computing.

While that’s an amazing statistic, it’s also very telling – and perhaps a sign that we need to start talking about this huge technological movement in a way that’s straight-forward, tangible and accessible.The same article claimed that, while 54% own up to having never used the cloud, 95% of that same group use it regularly for their banking, shopping, social networking, storage and file sharing without even knowing it…

From co-location to centralised IT, data centres and disaster recovery, to software-as-a-service to shared server hosting, it’s no wonder that businesses are getting lost in the fog when overcomplicating what can – and should – be a relatively simple concept…

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