IT priorities 2016: Cloud initiatives drive IT spending
June 10, 2016Grazed from ComputerWeekly. Author: Cliff Saran.
There appears to be strong correlation between moving to the cloud and cutting costs, according to the Computer Weekly IT priorities 2016 survey of 142 IT professionals and managers. The survey showed that 50% of those asked said they would be increasing spending on cloud computing, while 37% confirmed they would be decreasing their hardware investments.
As previously reported by Computer Weekly, in the UK and Ireland 38.4% of respondents named server virtualisation as their top investment area. And although 23% of those asked said they would be investing in more staff, 35% claimed they would be cutting their headcount, suggesting pressure remains in IT to reduce costs…
In fact, 42% of IT professionals said their budgets have either remained the same or dropped compared with 2015. The majority of respondents to the survey (37%) said they would be implementing compliance initiatives in 2016, while datacentre consolidation is the second most popular initiative…
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