IT as a service: How to succeed as an IT broker

October 4, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from TechTarget. Author: Karen Goulart.

Simplifying IT service delivery doesn’t mean going on autopilot Offering services should be intuitive and easily self-served, yes, but there must also be established mechanisms to fix problems or improve upon services, stresses Ian Clayton, senior vice president of operations at U.K.-based G2G3.

A common method for improvement is something IT organizations generally lack, he said — in part, because they do not regularly engage the business. "IT brokers need an engagement mechanism, so they can listen to changing needs and they can convert them into [the technology]," Clayton said…

Dave Bartoletti, principal analyst at Cambridge, Mass.-based Forrester Research Inc., believes the internal service broker concept for cloud offerings will work only if end users understand the concept themselves…

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