Is your cloud provider compliant?

November 10, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from ProgrammableWeb. Author: Editorial Staff.

Before investing in any new technology, an organisation must first establish whether that technology will meet the businesses’ needs. Similarly, the organisation must scrutinise the technology and its provider, to make sure it is up to standard with the company’s security and compliance requirements.

One such example of this, says John McLoughlin, MD of J2 Software, a distributor of SkyView Partners’ managed security solutions, is cloud computing. “The business benefits of cloud computing are widely accepted and documented, however, whether or not cloud computing meets your business requirements is dependent on the type of data being stored, accessed, and shared in the cloud.”…

He cites the example of using the cloud to store personal information protected by laws such as POPI. “Before storing data that is extremely confidential or highly sensitive in the cloud, a business will want to examine the restrictions placed on this sort of information by its security policies. You should also thoroughly question the potential cloud provider to make sure they can meet your security and compliance needs.”…

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